Hey people! this week was
crazy, we've been busier than a one legged man in a butt-kicking contest!
So first off, the 2
sister missionaries that took over my last area in Louisville are now no longer
in that area haha we don't know exactly what happened but all we know is that
since President Brough had no other option he assigned me to cover my old area
as well as the new one so we now officially have the largest area in the
mission haha so it’s been really fun and I’ve loved being able to still work in
Louisville with a lot of the people that i have been teaching for the past year
but it is a lot to cover and its pretty stressful so I’m ready for some sisters
to come back now so hopefully President finds someone quick!
Other than that this
week has been pretty normal! Felipe is doing really well, a lot of stuff has
happened that’s made it hard for us to meet with him as much as we'd like to
and Sunday morning rolls around and we call him to make sure he's still coming
to church and he doesn't answer, so we drive to his house and knock on his door
and still nothing! so we head over to the church a little disappointed and just
assume he's not going to make it. We were sitting there a few minutes before
the meeting started when all the sudden we hear a whisper "Hermanos"
haha and we looked up and there was Felipe! we don't know how or why or when
but he came to church by himself which was great. He is very close to his
baptism, we just have to pray for the Mexican miracle (marriage before the
baptism) and all will go smoothly!
I got asked to do a special
Musical number at a baptism this Saturday and didn't think much of it, i was
nervous and felt inadequate for the job but those feelings have become pretty
normal as a missionary so i just did it and it went okay and like i said, i
dint think much of it. Well later i received an email from a man I've grown to
respect a lot the past few weeks, He said " What you need to know
what that yesterday was a tough day for me. At the time the baptism was going
on, my son and daughter-in-law were getting married in the Louisville temple,
and I could not be there and neither could Jen. We did this out of respect for
their wishes and the fact that her parents could not be there because they are
not members, so they did not feel right with us being there.
It was not an easy
moment for me personally. My heart was tender because I wanted to be with my
son and daughter in law. (For the record I LOVE he and JT, they are amazing and
I am SSSOOOO glad they got married in the temple! I am proud of them, it
was just tough as a dad not to be able to be there.) Some things that are very
RIGHT are very DIFFICULT. This was one of those times.
The other dent in the
universe I felt yesterday came from Elder Follett. He had no idea (I am sure)
of what was on my mind when he pulled out his guitar and sang "I Need Thee
Every Hour", but trust me, it hit home.
Maybe it was that I
grew up on a farm listening to country ballads with just a guitar, but it was
what I personally needed. It touched me. It was one of those things that
took me "home" when I really needed that. It was the Savior's
way of sending me comfort. Of all the places you could have been yesterday, I
am glad you were where you were."
I was very grateful to
have been able to help in a very obscure way that i would have never known
something so small could have made so much of a difference. I was grateful that
he shared that with me and made me feel like all of us succeed in
ways that we will never know about, i would have never known that i made a
difference if he hadn't of emailed me that but i was grateful
he did and reminded that success is very hard to measure
Love you guys, hope
you have a great week!