Kentucky, Louisville Mission

Monday, November 16, 2015

Week 85

People! whats going on! this week was another crazy one. 

Tuesday i said goodbye to Elder Weeks and picked up my brand new companion, Elder Clawson. he's from Silverdale, Washington and took a few years of Spanish in high school which is great. He knows a lot more than i did when i first came out haha but it's been a pretty decent first week. i wouldn't say we've exhausted all out efforts with baptizing José but we have definitely come to the end of the road with a lot of other investigators this week, a lot of the people we used to teach we haven't seen in a while so we're kinda in a finding mode, we teach a lot of new people for one time and then they disappear and we never can find them again, so were just like cycling through the people trying to find the prepared ones.

 I've learned so much about charity this week. Without it, its almost impossible to do anything successfully in missionary work. and i think that's the reason or motive for anything Gospel related. We can keep the commandments out of fear of being punished or because we want blessings but we don't actually avoid the punishment or receive the blessings until we keep the commandments because we love God. (John 14:15) and the same applies to missionary work. You cant do it unless you love everyone involved in it, that lesson has been clearly impressed on my mind this week. 

That's pretty much everything, i love you guys and i hope you have a great week! Pray for José, he needs all the prayers he can get! 

Para Siempre Dios esté con vos!

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